Graduate Housing

Chatham offers limited on-campus housing for graduate students based on availability. 我们很高兴为您提供有关校外住宿选择的信息,包括一个 intergenerational living arrangement for School of Health Sciences students. 

浏览以下下拉菜单,了解申请校内住宿的信息, medical accommodations, and recommended and prohibited items for on-campus living. We also have links to local property management companies. 研究生可与个别物业管理公司联络,安排参观及索取更多详情. For detailed pricing on housing, please visit our Tuition & Fees page.

On-Campus Housing & Resources

Explore the following drop-down menus for information on-campus housing availability, medical accommodations, and recommended and prohibited items for on-campus living. We also have links to local property management companies. 研究生可与个别物业管理公司联络,安排参观及索取更多详情. 

Shadyside Campus

Presently, 我们在Shadyside校区没有研究生住宿选择. If that changes this summer, graduate students will be notified. Otherwise, 在匹兹堡周边社区和整个城市,出租物业非常丰富. Please review the Off-Campus Housing section below for further details.

Eden Hall Campus

我们在伊甸园大厅校区的果园大厅为研究生提供住宿选择. 伊甸园大厅校园是福克可持续发展与环境学院的所在地,位于吉布森亚, Pennsylvania (approximately a 45-minute drive to the Shadyside Campus and Eastside). 果园大厅包括两个单间,共用一间社区浴室,还有一些套房,由两间卧室组成(每间卧室有一名学生),两名学生共用一间浴室.
If you have any questions, please contact Housing at Eden Hall is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. 有兴趣申请伊甸堂校园住宿的个人应完成以下步骤: 
Apply for housing on the Eden Hall Campus through the StarRez Housing Portal located on myChatham > myTOOLS > Student Housing. During the application process, students are required to submit a $150.00信用卡住房押金(不能用信用卡支付的个人必须联系居住生活办公室,以进一步了解如何在开始申请流程之前以支票或现金支付).

To apply for housing, complete the following steps:
  • Login to myChatham
  • Select myTOOLS
  • Select the Student Housing button
  • Follow all on-screen instructions 

查塔姆确实认识到,有时候学生需要特殊的住宿条件才能取得成功. Some examples of accommodations include: single-resident room, semi-private bathroom, strobe light fire alarm, air conditioner, or modified meal plan (when applicable). Questions regarding Chatham’s Medical Accommodation Policy can be directed to

居住生活办公室为所有学生提供了一份推荐和禁止的物品清单. Due to safety reasons, 某些物品和行为是不允许在任何宿舍或公寓校园. The list can be found online here.


  • Move-In ready units – All apartments and rooms are furnished
  • Offer 10-month leases (with possible summer lease extension)
  • On-site property management and 24/7 Residence Life support
  • No charge laundry facilities (laundry costs are built into housing charge already)
  • Housing charges applied directly to your student account each semester
  • All utilities included (i.e. water, heat, electricity, internet, etc.)
  • WiFi access

Furniture & Setup: All residence halls rooms and apartments are furnished. Residence Hall rooms included a student bed, desk and chair, and dresser (residents either have their own closet or share one with their roommates). Apartments bedrooms come furnished with a bed, desk, and dresser (sometimes a desk or two are located in the living room, and residents either have their own closet or share one with their roommates). 公寓还配有沙发、餐桌、椅子和咖啡桌. Each apartment also has a living room, kitchen (equipped with a stove, sink, apartment refrigerator), and a bathroom. 住在公寓里的人有责任为共享空间提供其他设施,比如厨房和浴室, such as pots, pans, plates, kitchen appliances other than the stove and fridge (i.e., microwave, etc.), toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. 学校提供的家具不能从学生宿舍房间或公寓搬走. 宿舍和公寓的禁止物品清单可以通过点击在网上找到 here.

Heating & Air Conditioning: All residence halls and apartments have heat. 设施通常在10月或11月的一个设定点打开,因为我们有一些持续寒冷的日子. The heat in buildings is also often regulated by outside temperatures. 以下宿舍和公寓不提供空调:迪尔沃斯大厅, Fickes Hall, Rea House, Laughlin House, Woodland Hall, Chatham Apartments, Chung Apartments, Linzer Apartments, and Pelletreau Apartments. Residents are not permitted to bring or install their own air conditioning. 只有通过医疗住宿流程批准的学生才允许在他们的房间安装空调. If a student is approved, 学校将提供并安装空调在学生的个人卧室. 关于医疗住宿流程的更多信息可以通过点击在线找到 here.

Laundry: 每个宿舍和公寓大楼都配备了免费的洗衣设施. Laundry Rooms are located on each floor in Woodland and Fickes. Laundry for the apartments, Dilworth Hall, Rea House, and Laughlin House are located in the basement or on the first floor. The laundry in Orchard Hall is located on the third floor of Orchard Hall. Students sign-up for laundry time slots by clicking on the following link. Outside contractors manage the maintenance and upkeep of laundry facilities. If you experience any issues with laundry, please submit a maintenance request.

Utilities: All utilities, including heat, water, electricity, and WiFi, are included in all on-campus residence hall rooms and apartments.

Community Kitchens: All residence halls (Dilworth Hall, Fickes Hall, Rea House, Laughlin House, Woodland Hall, and Orchard Hall) have community kitchens or kitchenettes in each building. All apartments come equipped with a full kitchen, including an apartment stove and refrigerator in each unit. 厨房只由公寓里的居民和他们的任何客人使用,他们允许在室友的允许下使用它. Community kitchens are cleaned by housekeeping, 但公寓厨房预计将由该公寓的住户维护.

Cleaning: Residence Halls community areas, such as bathrooms, hallways, lounges, community kitchen, and other spaces, are generally cleaned Monday through Friday by Facilities Management. 任何在宿舍房间有半私人浴室的学生都有责任自己打扫这个空间. Residents in the apartments are responsible for cleaning their individual apartments.

Internet: All residence halls and apartments come equipped with WiFi access. If you experience any WiFi issues, please submit a work order directly to the IT HelpDesk by clicking here or call 412-365-1112.

Maintenance and Upkeep: 所有宿舍和公寓的维护和保养由设施管理处管理. Facilities prioritize maintenance requests on the severity of the issue, 这意味着一些维护请求可能需要7到10个工作日(在某些情况下)才能得到解决. 例如,假设一个公寓有管道问题,而另一个学生的书桌抽屉坏了. In that case, 设施管理人员会尽快解决管道问题, whereas the desk drawer will be fixed but not a priority. Suppose students are submitting a maintenance request due to a fire/explosion. In that case, lack of heat, flood or significant water leak, major structural damage, or loss of electricity do not submit the request online. Instead, 联系公共安全(412-365-1230)或居住生活随叫随到(412-951-0003)报告问题, and they will give you immediate directions. Maintenance requests are received and monitored during regular business hours. 

Live-In Staff:  Chatham University has live-in staff, both undergraduate, graduate, and professional, that are available 24/7 to assist on-campus residents in the event of an emergency. Public Safety also provided 24/7 emergency support. Information about our emergency support services can be found online by clicking here.  

Off-Campus Housing

View information on off-campus housing options and property management resources. These resources are provided as a convenience to students by the University. 以下列出的物业并不构成对任何特定物业或租赁条件的任何推荐或认可.

Neighborhoods with easy access to Chatham, such as Squirrel Hill, Shadyside, Oakland, 和波因特布雷兹都是研究生开始找房子的好地方. These neighborhoods each provide many amenities like shopping, entertainment and nightlife, and access to public transportation.


Other Property Management Companies in the area include:


Property Management Company:

Students have also used the following online resources in the past: Apartments.comTruliaZillow, and

Eden Hall Campus: Orchard Hall

Located on the Eden Hall Campus, 果园大厅体现了查塔姆国际事务中心的使命,即实施可持续实践和关注环境. 果园利用最先进的地热供暖和制冷,其设计的每一个方面都反映了能源中性的目标, LEED-Certified building.